How to Apply & FAQs
Contact our Program Administrator: Marla Scofield
Quick Links
- American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology, Inc.
- Electronic Residency Application Service
- National Residency Matching Program
- The University of Chicago Internal Medicine Residency
- North Shore University Health System Internal Medicine Residency
Frequently Asked Questions
- Our program is advanced (PGY2 through PGY4). However, we have arrangements with the programs below for PGY1 positions:
- North Shore University HealthSystem Internal Medicine Residency Program (joint arrangement for 8 positions / program code: 1160140P3)
- Louis A. Weiss Memorial Hospital Transitional Year Program (2 reserved positions / program code: 1846999P0)
- University of Chicago Internal Medicine Residency Program (preferred ranking for up to 2 positions / program code: 1160140P5)
- We offer a total of TEN residents per year.
- Our program offers a joint arrangement for the PGY-1 preliminary year (Internal Medicine internship) with North Shore University HealthSystem Internal Medicine Residency Program. We also have preferred ranking with University of Chicago Internal Medicine Residency Program and Louis A. Weiss Memorial Hospital Transitional Year Program.
- Applicants who wish to complete their Internal Medicine/Preliminary Year at one of these programs must submit a separate application via ERAS.
- The North Shore University Health System program will conduct an electronic review of the applicant via ERAS and will NOT interview applicants separately.
- The University of Chicago Internal Medicine program will conduct an electronic review of the applicant via ERAS and will NOT interview applicants separately.
- The Louis A. Weiss Memorial Hospital program will schedule a separate interview with interested applicants.
- We do NOT require our residents to complete their PGY-I training at the either of the programs mentioned above. Applicants who wish to complete their PGY-I training elsewhere are still eligible to apply for a position (PGY-2 through PGY-4) in our program.
- Matching to the prelim program with whom we have a Joint Arrangement is not guaranteed in the same way that matching happens in a categorical program. In a categorical program, one rank list is submitted by the residency program and the matched applicants automatically complete their PGY1 at the internal medicine program that is categorically linked to the residency program.
- In an advanced program with one or more joint arrangements, each program submits a rank list; one by the residency program, and one by each jointly linked internal medicine program. A situation may arise where an applicant is ranked by the residency program and not by the jointly linked internal medicine programs. However, it is more common that all programs would rank the applicants.
- If you review our current residents, you will see that most of them have completed their PGY1 at North Shore University Health System or Louis A. Weiss Memorial Hospital. The joint arrangement simply allows applicants the flexibility to choose (or not) to complete their PGY1 at the linked programs if they so desire.
- Our deadline for receipt of applications is December 15. Applications received through ERAS after that date will not be reviewed.
- An ACGME approved Internal Medicine internship (PGY-1 preliminary year) in the United States is a necessary pre-requisite for consideration in our residency program.
- The PGY-1 year must include at least one of the following:
- 8 months in internal medicine with primary responsibility in patient care, or
- 6 months in internal medicine with primary responsibility in patient care and a period of at least 2 months’ time comprising one or more months of pediatrics, emergency medicine, internal medicine, or family medicine
- Residents may spend up to 4 months in neurology during this year.
- If you have already completed your Internal Medicine internship at the time of your application submission to our program, you should provide us with a letter of reference from your Internal Medicine internship Program Director. The letter must include your start and end dates, the rotations you completed, and reference your competency in all six of the ACGME core competencies.
- No, but you MUST have your ECFMG certificate available prior to the NRMP deadline for the rank order list submission.
- A J1 visa is preferred.
- Yes, we do accept applications from D.O. candidates, but you must include your COMLEX scores (if you have also taken the USMLE, you must submit the COMLEX and the USMLE). We do not require D.O. candidates to also take the USMLE.
- We do not advertise our USMLE or COMLEX score criteria. However, please note that each application is reviewed in its entirety.
- U.S. Clinical experience is helpful, but not required. We will review applications from candidates who do not have U.S. clinical experience.
- We choose to review each application in its entirety and we do not filter applicants based on their medical school graduation date.
- We require THREE LORs.
- We do not require an LOR from your Chairman.
- If you choose to apply to one of our IM programs with whom we have a joint arrangement, you do not need a separate LOR for those programs.
- We will begin interviews in November and will continue through early to mid December .
- Invitations to interview with our program will be sent via email through ERAS.
- A final itinerary will be provided to applicants via Thalamus in the days preceding the interview.
- The day will begin with a Department Overview by our Chairman followed by a Program Overview by our Program Director/one of our APDs.
- We interview 12 applicants on each day in two groups of 6:
- Group A will begin the day by interviewing with faculty.
- Group B will participate in a video tour of our camps and program.
- At the midpoint of the morning session the groups will switch.
- Interviews with faculty and the virtual tours will conclude by 12:30pm when applicants will have a break for lunch.
- A didactic session with an interesting case presentation will begin at 1:00pm.
- The interview day will conclude at 2:00pm.
all times show are CST
- Yes; we will host a virtual dinner on the evening before the interview. All of our current residents will be invited to attend this dinner.
- Our faculty will NOT be present at this virtual dinner.
- Dress for this dinner is casual.
- Applicants who are unable to attend the virtual dinner the evening before will have further opportunity to meet and talk with our current residents during lunch on the interview day.
- If you are unable to participate in the virtual dinner on the evening before your interview please let us know and we will invite you to one of the other virtual dinners.
You will meet with our
- Chairman
- Program Director
- Associate Program Director
- one of our Chief Residents
- one additional faculty member
- one Attending from North Shore University Health System